Do I really want to be an author? Well yes, but not the further effort that is required!
I enjoyed writing my first novel and I still; enjoy now I am writing the sequel – 100 pages so far. A good mate who has read the original wanted to know what happens next.
He also complained about the pidgin conversations. He said he had to keep going back to the glossary. So much for good intentions. I though it was a good idea, but one or two friends have made the odd comment. ‘You can please some of the people some of the time’
One matter I should make clear etc. My Maxwell pen name is just that. I have no connection whatsoever with the Maxwell/s currently filling the media.
It was perhaps rather unfortunate that my book was published as The Maxwell trial started. For that I must mention the number of times the proof was returned for correction. Matters did improve when a new proof reader was appointed some months before publication and the said trial.

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