about the author

Harry is a retired police officer having served for thirty years in The Metropolitan, Essex, Australia and Papua New Guinea Police. He later worked in the media with the BBC and multi outlet companies in security management. His final paid employment was a charity for the visually impaired which he regards as the most satisfying position in his working life. In his leisure hours he played football, cricket, swimming, squash and table tennis. He spent thirty-five years with The Scouts and Guides Association where he was awarded The Thanks Badge. He has been a volunteer with Soldiers, Sailors Airmen’s families Association since 1991 and is currently The Safeguarding Lead with U3A Exeter.He is divorced with three adult children and five grandchildren.

about the book

Harry Maxwell is a 47-year-old career detective who is reaching the end of his service when he is seconded to Papua New Guinea. After a few months in the highlands of that country, dealing with tribal murders, rapes and robberies, he is transferred to Port Moresby with other ex-pats to devise and deliver detective training. However, almost immediately, he is sent back to the highlands to investigate PNG’s first armed robbery and additionally, possible police corruption and rumours of heroin production.The investigation is fast-moving but complicated by the impending arrival of his girlfriend from the UK. Ably assisted by national detectives, the action moves to remote jungle areas of the country as well as desert islands in the South Pacific, where he is chased by criminal gangs that might be headed by a Nazi from World War II. It escalates to a new level, moving to Orpheus Island, then Sydney, and reaches an apparent nemesis in Hong Kong.Harry seems to court trouble.



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....



Do I really want to be an author? Well yes, but not the further effort that is required! I enjoyed writing my first novel and I still; enjoy now I am writing the sequel – 100 pages so far. A good m ........


Some of you may know that I started my novel some years back and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. I made two attempts without success, to persuade a publisher to accept my work. Given that many, many au ........


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