Some of you may know that I started my novel some years back and thoroughly enjoyed doing so. I made two attempts without success, to
persuade a publisher to accept my work. Given that many, many authors submit their work without success I was pleasantly surprised when Austin Macauley said ‘Yes.’
I know of one well known author who submitted his work to over 70 publishers before success.
However as a writer who is well past his sell by date I find writing a blog about me a new and I have to say not a very pleasant experience. In other words enjoy writing the novel but not so much being an author. It is my first novel by the way, though I have written articles in the past mainly for police magazines
However needs must and I hope my blog is successful, to everyone’s liking and readable.
The statement on the back cover that ‘Harry seem to court trouble,’ was my proof reader’s idea as she knows me better than possible I know myself and is probably more accurate than I like to admit. By the way I am no way a ‘Don Quixote,’ but do tend to take up the cudgels for others. More anon

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